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  Siddhashram of North America

A global mission that belongs to every Sanatani, aiming to preserve, propagate, and promote Sanatana Dharma across 200+ nations.

Prayojana Homam

Prayojana Homam is a special practice where our Guru performs the homam on our behalf to fulfill one's Prayojanam/long pending problem(s), utilizing his profound mantra sadhana shakti. While the divine presence during a homam might not be perceptible to everyone, those who have achieved divine vision through mantra sadhana can conduct homams, requesting the deity to address specific problems. Many have experienced resolution of their problems through Prayojana Homams, and we are blessed that our Guru uses his spiritual insight and grace to conduct these rituals, helping to resolve the issues faced by individuals.



2786 Mitchell Road,
Warrenton, GA 30328

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About Shangri-La


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